Dienstag, 7. August 2012

By Boat on Regnitz, Main, Saale, Havel

The short story "My Moderator Majesty" has provocated to much the Munich Brainwashed Bhagwan Beliefers. These poor people can't stand satirical critic. People can't stand attacks: The musicians Pussy Riots offended poor Putin, the German Satiric Magazin Titanic attacked poor German Pope and my artful works mocked about "My Munich Majesty Moderators" and their customer, the pretty poor Beloved Bhagwan Brain Bordered Beliefers. Nothing new nowhere.

Havelberg - Sunset 0808-2012

Catholic Church act like other cults: Bamberg Bishop asks for a "law against blasphemy". Newspaper from 2nd August 2012.

That Priest in Power is the Arch-Bishop of Bamberg. He fights against mockery about the Christian Belief System like other Priests in Cults.

Who cares about Brain Bordered Believers except the ones, who defend this Belief? Poor people in troubles consolate themselves with poisonous friendliness. These relationships doen't satisfy me. Leave me alone with my woman. She's enough for me - sometimes more than enough.

My woman prepares our boat for a tour on the river Regnitz in Bamberg. Our motorhome, the "Whale Cow" stands behind the boat on a wonderful Campingplace next to river Regnitz. We call our boat "Cucumber Frog" or "Frog Cucumber".

View from the River Regnitz: an ancient Opel Record stands behind the green tent on the right.

On the hot 1st August we paddle in the shadows of big trees on the River Regnitz near Bamberg.

No cloud at the sky. We paddle upwards on the slow flowing river.

It's sunny, calm and very relaxing. No people disturb my peace. None of these senseless discussions molest my mind. Neither my mind molests anyone - not even myself.

In the shadow of  huge trees we rest and relax.

The heron: this bird catches fish in the river. Coming closer the big bird escapes.

My woman meets her friends at the Camping Place. We travel with two boats downtown Bamberg.

We have never seen Bamberg before from the river.

Sunset in Bamberg on the River Regnitz

Soon we arrive in the middle of Bamberg - this part is called "Little Venica".

This Priest in Power shouts "Forward" to his servant slave. The Bamberg artist Adelbert Heil has created this work.

Better heavy load on my shoulders, nearly 30 Kilo boat plus paddles than these useless quarrels with people, who can't laugh about their own and others stupidity.

Ready for a little new adventure: this time without my woman all alone on a glorious day.

My brother sold me his camera "Canon Power Shot SX20IS". This camera has a monitor to observe yourself, when taking a picture.

Herons and water flowers are like a sweet company on this little journey on the river Regnitz.

This excursion ends, where an electric plant produces energy. My body is tired enough to return to the Camping Place Bug.

This ferry boat near the little village Pettstadt works without any engine. Only the flowing river drives the boat from one side to another and back again.

This cute little ferry boat near Pettstadt can carry two cars or up to 50 people.

Happy at home again: time for lunch, coffee and some sweet.

Funny house in Bamberg next to the river Regnitz

From Bamberg we drive 200 Kilometres to the river Saale. We find a very little Camping Place next to the Castle Saaleck. Many boats use the Sunday to explore the wonderful world.

One bridge for the street, one for the railway - both built around 1894.

This motorboat brings visitors from the  next little village Bad Kösen to the castle Saaleck.

Food is not very expensive in this simple restaurant "Burgblick". We drink "Rote Fassbrause" - a sweet lemonade.

The most beautiful building in Saaleck was for the Priest. This monument of power and prestige was constructed around 1894.

Sunset over the Castle Saaleck - in front an apple.

We observe the sunset in this wonderful Saale region, where wine grows at the river Saale.

Not many visitors travel to the Castle Saaleck, so not so much money is wasted for the fence and the table.

Another day, another boat trip. The river Saale floats silently and takes my green boat in three hours to the Camping Place in Stendorf, next village to Saaleck. All alone in mother nature my nerves relaxed and finde peace from people and worldly activities.

Sometimes a train rushes by the side of the river. Most of the times the birds are singing, some fish are jumping. The sun is shining.

The dschungel like green nature is full of wonders.

On the hills by the side of the river Saale wine grows.

Golden Sunset in Saaleck

Bernburg - around 30 Kilometres south of Magdeburg


Magdeburg - Capital Hall

Magdeburg Hundertwasser-House

Magdeburg Dome

Magdeburg Dome

Magdeburg - Motorhome Place next to the river Elbe: this river runs to fast to pass by my little boat, the place is to loud next to a big street for my woman to stay, so we drive 30 Kilometers more to:


Der Stellplatz liegt an zwei Kiesgruben, die eine Straße trennt. Die Gruben sind mit "Nord-" und "Süd-See" ausgeschildert. Es weht noch eine DDR-Fahne über einem Wohnwagen. Die Duschen sind in einem Container.

Havelberg ist ein ein alte Hansestadt. Die Havel mündet dort in die Elbe. Wir haben einen äußerst ruhigen Platz auf der Spülinsel mit Stromanschluß. Das Boot ist vor dem Regen halbwegs trocken in den Wagen gekommen.

Mit dem Campingplatz verbindet mich WLan-WiFi. So macht Internet mehr Spaß als über die etwas zähe 480 KBit/s T-Online-Anbindung.

Auf der Ziegeninsel weiden auch diese Tiere. Der Rückenwind schiebt mich die Havel hinauf. Abwärts kämpfen einige Wellen gegen das Boot.

Ein anderes Graber-Explorer Boot landet mit mir an. Das Paar wandert per Boot und zeltet. Wir sind nun eine Woche unterwegs. Bei dieser Fahrt entsteht die Serie: Go East.

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